AvantFAX and HylaFAX
There are three main portions of HylaFAX that have been replaced by AvantFAX: faxrcvd, notify, and faxcover.
This script was completely redone in PHP using the AvantFAX classes to add received faxes directly to the database, create the fax preview images for the online interface, and to send any Fax2Email faxes to their appropriate email address (thus skipping the online interface). Find out more in the Fax Processing section.
This script was also completely redone similarly to faxrcvd in order to archive sent faxes and send notification emails about a sent fax's status. Find out more in the Fax Processing section.
This final script doesn't require any of the AvantFAX classes. It was redone in order to improve cover page support for HylaFAX. The old way to create cover pages was too complicated and required out dated software. Now, you can simply use programs like FreeHand to export compatible EPS files without having to manually edit the file in order swap values. View the faxcover documentation here.